do you regret regret

Chatting with colleague who is trying to get another tattoo on her wrist soon after her first one which she got like a couple of months ago. That reminded me to send her a TED speech I saw just over the Lunar New Year. It’s delivered by Kathryn Schultz who is a journalist, author and public speaker. Her topic is “Don’t regret regret. Click here to watch the speech. Her intro line is about tattoo as tattoo is one of the first thing people quote as their regrets of life. And in her studies about regrets, she found out other subjects which most people regret about are: Education 32%, Career 22%, Romance 15%, Parenting 10%, Self 5.5% and Finance came to 2.5% and at the bottom of the list is Community 0.95% and Spirituality of 1.3% is just above Community. It’s interesting to see what you spend the most time in seems to make you less regretful? Or because of future status and power that money could bring you, you chose the education you don’t really feel for which causes you to regret the most? One thing I learn now since I ever gone spiritual with God is that don’t really look back but take things as it is for what it is. If I did something wrong, I ask God for forgiveness and then start all over again. I am learning to embrace regrets or wrongs with the power of God.

Daily Quote
Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.

2 Corinthians 7:10

I pray to God that I will rely on His forgiveness to do His will.

Postscript Quote
Sometimes we know we shouldn’t and that’s exactly why we do.
